LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
June 2002
Form 403082
- F60
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
The transaction ticket contains all data relevant to the
transaction including the job number, the product name, the
amount dispensed, the mechanic’s name, the hose used,
the type of transaction, the time and date and the remaining
inventory of the dispensed product.
The LFC 3000 is a modular fluid management/security
system for service workshops. It provides the shop supervi-
sor with a host of services required for precise manage-
ment of an inventory of products such as oil and antifreeze.
The LFC 3000 maintains the inventory by controlling access
to hoses, precise metering of the products, and accurate
The LFC 3000 controls up to 64 hoses and can maintain an
inventory of up to 8 tanks. The system can be configured for
use with pulse meters that are single channel or quadrature
(w&m approved).
A transaction ticket is printed upon completion of all transac-
tions and an inventory report showing all product levels is
available to the supervisor.
Access to functions such as configuration and report
printing is restricted to different security levels; a supervisor
code must be entered before these functions can be used.
The supervisor can select the language that will be used
throughout the system.
The LFC 3000 will keep up to 1900 transactions in its
protected memory. A transaction historic report keeps track
of all the transactions, classified by users, products or
The modularity of the LFC 3000 makes it adaptable to your
existing workshop and upgradable in the future. It is
The LFC 3000 is provided with a battery backed RAM to
comprised of 1 to 8 I/O modules, 1 to 64 data entry keypads, store up to 1900 completed transactions to guard against
1 to 16 optional remote displays and 1 optional PC
data loss in the event of a power failure.
Transaction ticket:
Stock level:
Audit trail of all completed jobs
Stock level of each product tank
with minimum stock level
The I/O module is the operating intelligence. Each I/O
module supports up to 8 counter inputs and controls up to 8
solenoid drivers - this means that the LFC 3000 can operate Product delivery:
up to 64 hose reels all simultaneously. One I/O module can
communicate with 1 to 8 data entry keypads. The I/O module
Details of all deliveries entered
into the system, date and quantity -
and stock corrections.
also supports one additional output for activating or disacti-
vating the main air supply.
Transaction reports:
Product report - usage and totals
Hose reports - usage and totals
User report - usage and totals
All transactions - usage and totals
(data retrieved from system
If a high level warning switch is
fitted to the waste oil collection
tank, a ticket is printed
The data entry keypad provides access to the system for oil
monitoring and dispensing procedures. Configuration of
the system is also done from the keypad (for installations
without PC). The keypads are all alphanumerical and
equipped with a serial port to provide connection to a serial
Alarm ticket:
immediately as a warning
The remote display has large 56 mm digits to visualize the
quantity currently dispensed.
Tank low level warning: When the minimum tank level is
reached, a warning ticket is
The PC interface is available as an option and offers
extended remote transaction memory, computer interfacing
and the possibility to control up to 24 I/O units - which
means 192 outlets. A complete management software
package is supplied with the PC interface. The software is
Windows compatible and does not require a dedicated PC.
Job report:
Report review by job number for
different grades against the same
job number and from one date to
another (PC level only).
Historic report by license plate
number (PC level only)
Keeps track of the system
configuration for reconfiguration
and after sales service.
License plate report:
To initiate a transaction, a personal identification number
(PIN) must be entered via the data entry keypad. Any keypad
can communicate with any I/O module. A job number, a hose
number and the preset amount must be entered. The
technician then begins dispensing the product. The amount
of product dispensed is displayed on the remote display.
When a transaction ends, a transaction ticket is printed on
the printer, and the appropriate inventory is reduced by the
amount dispensed. Transactions will also end whenever
dispensing stops for a certain time period.
All the above reports are available to be printed
except where shown as PC level only. When a PC
is incorporated, all reports can be viewed on
screen before printing.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Enter Hose
_ 0
Network specifications
The LFC 3000 operates with a CAN Bus network that uses two
wires and a shield.
Enter the hose’s number, which corresponds to your request.
System specifications
(Product’s name)
Keypads on a system
64 max.
8 max.
64 max.
64 max.
8 max.
99 max.
1900 max.
64 max.
64 max.
The system confirms the product’s name dispensed on the
selected hose. Press ENTER
I/O modules on a system
Solenoid valves on a system
Meters with single channel pulse transmitters
Fluids on a system
Number of operators
Transaction log
Enter quantity
(Optional – Dispense mode: Pre-select or Free dispense)
Enter the desired quantity. Press ENTER
Simultaneous dispenses
Printers per system
Dispense product
Power supply
The LFC 3000 operates on a 24 VDC voltage.
A power supply unit is included in the system - Voltage Input
90-120 Volts AC, 50/60 Hz single phase.
The Supervisor menu is accessible through all the keypads
by entering the Supervisor PIN Number. Every 45 seconds
without use of the keypad, the display shows you the date &
time and resets the network. The factory PIN number for the
supervisor menu is 9999.
Default PIN Numbers
The factory PIN numbers are as follows:
Supervisor Menu......................................................................9999
Customer Menu........................................................................1111
System Menu...........................................................................2222
Enter Pin No.
The user menu is accessible through all the keypads. Only
the personal PIN code gives
Good Morning
access to this menu.
Supervisor Menu
Start / Stop
Enter Pin No.
The selection Start/Stop allows the supervisor to restart the
system. ENTER
Good Morning
(User’s name)
System State
Enter Job No.
Enter the number of the job, Press ENTER
Supervisor Menu
Transaction Report
Enter Reg. No.
Upon request, the supervisor can print the transaction’s
reports. These reports will give him precise history of fluids
dispensed and totals. All the reports are printed on the
report printer as configured in the system configuration
Enter the vehicle plate number (Alphanumerical), Press
Enter Reg. No.
Enter the vehicle mileage. Press ENTER
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Transaction reports are available:
sor PIN Number has been forgotten, it will be necessary to
reset the system. See Instruction Manual under Trouble-
shooting, “Lost Supervisor PIN.”
By user
By hose
Report by user
Report by hose
(Enter the user’s number)
(Enter the hose’s number)
By product Report by product (Enter the product’s
All trans-
Supervisor pin
All Reports
Supervisor Menu
Delivery Rep.
Supervisor Menu
Set super PIN
LFC 3000 prints a hard copy of all your stock modifications.
We recommend you to print this report after each product
delivery entered in the system.
Confirm PIN
Supervisor Menu
Stock Level Rep.
Prints the stock and the minimum levels for all the config-
ured tanks.
Confirm PIN
Supervisor Menu
Product Delivery
Enter here your new oil deliveries. The new stock will be
calculated automatically. Suggestion: Print a delivery report
after entering deliveries.
Supervisor Menu
Clear transactions
Use Up / Down key to select the desired tank. ENTER
Supervisor Menu
New Stock Level
We advise you to clear regularly the transactions when you
use the system without PC: the transaction’s number is limit-
ed to 1900. Moreover, when you print the report, you will have
the printing of all the transactions since the last “Clear trans-
actions.” Answering “Yes” will automatically clear all transac-
tions in the memory of the system. To avoid clearing transac-
tions by mistake, the system is proposing a “No” answer.
Using the down arrow will bring the “Yes” answer on the
If you want to modify the stock level:
New Stock Level
Tank 1 = 200
New Stock Level
300 lts
Clear Transactions
Supervisor Menu
Set Date / Time
Date 17-05-02
Time 15:09
Are you sure?
In a multi I/O system, this parameter must be the same on
each I/O. Every 45 seconds without use of the keypad, the
display shows you the date & time and reset the network.
Suggestion: print your transaction reports before clearing
Supervisor Menu
Set super PIN
This prompt is used to change the Supervisor PIN Number.
Only numerical PIN is accepted by the system. If the supervi-
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Supervisor Menu
Add New User
The Customer Configure Menu is accessible though all the
keypads. At the initialization of the system or when modifi-
cations are done on this menu, the data is automatically
updated at the other keypads through the network. It is not
necessary to configure all the keypads separately.
Up to 99 users can be stored in the system. Any 4 digit PIN
numbers can be assigned to an operator. It is recommend-
ed that the supervisor keep a list of the PIN numbers in
case he needs to remove one of them. Two users cannot
have the same PIN Number.
Customer Menu
New User Pin
All the fluids controlled by the system can be identified in
alphanumerical characters. In certain installations, the
same product can be pumped from different tanks (maxi-
mum 8 tanks). The LFC 3000 allows you to manage these
tanks separately to control their respective stock level.
Assign the tank from which the product will be pumped.
New User Name
(User name)
Tank Number 1
New User Name
User added
Enter the tank number
Supervisor Menu
Remove User
Product 1
Motor Oil
Use Up / Down key to select the product number
Enter Ex-PIN
Enter the product’s identification by using the alphanumeric
The system goes back to the prompt “Products”
Enter Ex-PIN
User deleted
Customer Menu
The user will be deleted from the system.
All your dispensing points (hoses) must be linked to the tank
it is dispensing from.
Supervisor Menu
Customer Config.
Enter Hose
Customer cfg. PIN
Enter the hose number
Access to the customer security level. Factory PIN number for
customer menu is 1111.
Enter Tank
Supervisor Menu
Enter the tank number
The system will confirm the name of the product configured
for verification;
Return to User Screen
Select Product
Motor Oil
Enter hose “00” to exit
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Customer Menu
Warn Level
Dispense Mode
Pre-Select - Free Dispense
A minimum stock level must be set for each tank. All fluids
dispenses will automatically be deducted from the respective
tank stock. When the stock level in the tank reaches the warn-
ing level, a warning reordering message will automatically be
printed on the report printer.
Customer Menu
Odometer & Reg.
With the LFC 3000 you can store the odometer reading and
the license plate number of the vehicles maintained in the
garage. This information will appear on the transaction
Use Up / Down arrow key to select the tank
Warn Level
Tank 1 = _ _ _ _
Odometer & Reg.
Use Up / Down keys to select
Warn Level
_ _ _ _ 0
The keypad will always ask the operator to store the
odometer and registration plate of the vehicle
corresponding to the job number.
Enter the minimum stock level
Odometer & Reg.
Warn Level
The function will not be activated.
Customer Menu
Stop Level
Customer Menu
Initial Timeout
In addition to the “minimum level”, the LCF 3000 offers the
ability to set up “stop levels” for each tank, preventing
dispenses of the selected product when the level in the tank
is under the stop level limit. This will prevent air to enter in
the oil line and prevent any risk of impurities entering the
line as well.
The initial time-out is the time between the validation of the
transaction data’s on the keypad and the opening of the
solenoid valve corresponding to the selected hose. Enter
the maximum number of seconds necessary before starting
the operation.
In a multi I/O system without PC, this parameter must
programmed and be the same and on each I/O.
Stop Level
Tank 1 = _ _ _ _ 0
Initial Timeout
Choose the tank you want to configure.
Customer Menu
Inactive Timeout
New Stop Level
_ _ _ _ 0
The inactive timeout is the period between the last pulse
received by the system and the closing of the solenoid. The
LFC 3000 will close the transaction if the time between 2
pulses reaches the inactive-time configured in the system.
It is visualized that the operator has started to fill the vehicle
with oil and that he has stopped the dispense before the
pre-set quantity has been reached or because he is work-
ing in the free dispense mode. When choosing this dura-
tion, bear in mind that this should be long enough for your
worker to verify the oil level on the dip stick. Enter the
maximum number of seconds needed.
Customer Menu
Dispense Mode
The LFC 3000 offers the possibility for the operator to
dispense oil in Pre-Select or in free dispense mode. In Pre-
select mode, the system will not authorizes any dispense
without a pre-selected quantity of fluid. In free dispense, the
system will authorize dispenses without pre-selection of any
The system will close the transaction when the inactive
time-out has been reached.
Use Up / Down key to select the mode.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
System Cfg PIN
Inactive Timeout
Access to the System Configuration installer level. The
factory PIN number is 2222 for the System Menu.
In a multi I/O system without PC, this parameter must
programmed and must be the same on each I/O.
Customer Menu
Customer Menu
Set Language
Return to the supervisor menu prompt. To return to the User
Screen, press ENTER again.
Use Up / Down key to select the language.
LFC 3000 is a multi language system. The default
language is British English.
To change to American English, you must enter US0011.
This will also change the unit of measurement from liters to
The System Configuration Menu is accessible through all
the keypads. The modified data is automatically updated at
the other keypads through the network. It is not necessary to
configure all the keypads separately. Only ticket (A&B)
printers must be configured on each keypad.
Customer Menu
Set Customer PIN
This prompt is used to change the Customer PIN number.
Only numerical PIN is accepted by the system.
System Menu
Test Mode
If the Customer PIN has been forgotten, it will be necessary
to reset the system and re-configure. See Instruction
Manual, under Troubleshooting, “Lost Supervisor Pin.”
Use Up / Down key to select the test.
-Test A: test the opening/closing for each solenoid.
The test A from a keypad is only valid for the
solenoid valves connected on the I/O unit
communicating with this keypad.
-Test B: factory use only
Customer Cfg PIN
-Test C: test to confirm the address of each large character
remote display
Confirm PIN
display address 0: random figures
display address 1: figures 000.1
display address 2: figures 000.2
Confirm PIN
-FLT FLT FLT FLT or OK OK OK OK: this test is only valid for
quadrature pulsers.
System Menu
You have the possibility to test a maximum of 4 quadrature
pulsers connected on the I/O Unit.
The position of the message indicates where the position of
the pulser is.
An OK message indicates that the quadrature pulser is not
If you connect single pulsers, a FLT message will appear.
As a support for the installer and after sales services, LFC
3000 provides a diagnostic report:
- the configuration for the installation parameters
- the names of the products
- the number of the users, their names and their
PIN codes
- the hoses, tanks, product’s names, displays and
corrections factors
We advise you to print this diagnostic after each installation.
System Menu
Display Allocation
Customer Menu
Configure System
The LFC 3000 offers the use of remote displays for an easy
visualization of the oil dispensed by the worker. This screen
allows you to program in the system on which display the
worker wants to visualize his dispenses. One display can
be used for multi hose reels.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Report Address
I/O Control
Every display is delivered with dip switches on the PC
board. See Instruction Manual, “Wiring the display.”
ENTER: The report printer is connected to an I/O unit
(ID=0). Use Up / Down key to select
Select Hose
Report Address
Keypad x
ENTER: The report printer is connected on the keypad
number X.
Select Display
Use Up / Down key to select until you have the correct
Hose Number 1 will be visualized on display Number 00.
Report Address
System Menu
Set Encoder Type
ENTER: There is no report printer on the system.
Use Up/Down keys to select.
LFC 3000 allows the use of single channel and dual
channels pulse transmitters.
By default, all the systems are programmed to be use with
single channel pulse transmitters.
System Menu
Set Ticket A Adr.
Set Encoder type
To fulfill all the needs of the garage supervisors, LFC 3000
offers the flexibility to print the transaction tickets on different
printers. All the printers must be connected through the
serial port and be Epson emulated. This instruction must
be done on EACH keypad.
Quadrature corresponds to dual channel pulse transmitter.
Use Up / Down keys to select.
Set Encoder type
Single Channel
The Factory default setting is Ticket A address on Keypad 0.
Single channel pulse transmitter.
In a multi I/O system without PC, this parameter must be
programmed and be the same on each I/O.
Ticket A Address
I/O Control Unit
ENTER: The ticket A printer is connected on the I/O unit
System Menu
System Type
Use Up / Down keys to select.
Ticket A Address
Keypad X
System Type
ENTER: The ticket A printer is connected on the keypad
number X.
Use Up/Down key to select the address.
Use Up / Down keys to select.
Non-Master is used without PC.
Master is used with PC.
Ticket A Address
System Menu
Set Report Adr.
ENTER: There is no ticket A printer on the system.
Use Up/Down keys to select.
A “Main” printer is necessary to print the entire statistic, stock
level reports and diagnostic.
This printer must be 80 columns; Epson emulated with a
serial port.
The factory default setting is report address on Keypad 0.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
System Menu
Set Ticket B Adr.
Set Simultaneous Mode
To fulfill all the needs of the garage supervisor, LFC 3000
offers also the flexibility to print a copy of the transaction
tickets. All the printers must be connected through the serial
port and be Epson emulated. This printer can be the main
printer. This instruction must be done on EACH keypad. The
factory default setting is ticket B address on keypad 0.
In a multi I/O system without PC, this parameter must
programmed and must be the same on each I/O
System Menu
Pulses per Liter
Ticket B Address
I/O Control Unit
LFC 3000 is designed to register pulses from 1 to 255 per
liter. Refer to the type of pulse transmitter. To change to
“pulses per quart” see user menu, “Set Language”, change
to American English.
ENTER: The ticket B printer is connected on the I/O unit
Use Up / down keys to select.
Pulse per Liter
Ticket B Address
In a multi I/O system without PC, this parameter must
programmed and be the same and on each I/O.
ENTER: There is no ticket B printer on the system.
Use Up / Down keys to select
System Menu
Max. Dispense
Ticket B Address
Keypad x
ENTER: The ticket B printer is connected on the keypad
Number x.
Select Hose
Use Up / Down keys to select the address
Max. Dispense
_ 100
System Menu
Set System PIN
ENTER the maximum quantity that will be allowed to be
dispensing on the selected hose.
Then press ENTER and do the same for the other hoses.
The system PIN code can be modified. Only numerical PIN
is accepted by the system. If the system PIN Number has
been forgotten, it will be necessary to reset the system and
re-configure. See Instruction Manual, under Troubleshoot-
ing, “Lost Supervisor PIN.”
System Menu
Decimal Place
Decimal Place
System Cfg PIN
You can choose the place of the decimal. You only have 1 or
2 (use the Up / down arrow key).
( You also have to change physically the jumper located in
the display). ENTER
LFC 3000 operates all the hose reels simultaneously or one
hose reel at a time. When the system is configured in
simultaneous mode, you will be able to dispense on all the
different hoses at the same time.
The factory default setting is simultaneous.
System Menu
Set Simultaneous Mode
Set Simultaneous Mode
Use Up / down keys to select.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
Explanations for the transaction end codes
System Menu
Hose Calibration
printed on each transaction ticket:
0 Means that the transaction has been stopped after
the inactive Timeout:
This prompt is offering the possibility to correct the delay of
the solenoid valve shut-off.
When an operator presets a quantity of fluid to be dis-
pensed, the system will automatically close the solenoid
valve when the preset quantity has been reached. The LFC
3000 counts the pulses coming from the pulse transmitter.
Assuming that the pulse transmitter type is 100 pulses per
liter, the calibration procedure will be as follows;
- it’s normal in free dispense mode
- The preset quantity has not been totally dispensed
1 In preselect mode, the preset quantity has been
totally dispensed: Completed
2 Input Error in the pulses sequence: for quadrature
pulsers only
3 Count Error: missing pulse in quadrature pulsers
4 It means that the power has been shut down during
the transaction: Power down
5 The transaction has been stopped by the emergency
procedure (“ꢀ”): System inactive
6 IOP Error: Microprocessor Error
7 Unauthorized transaction: for approved systems only,
quantity dispensed between 0.5Lt and 100Lt.
Preset quantity:
Quantity dispensed:
4 liters = 400 pulses
4.1 lit. = 410 pulses
0.1 lit. = 10 pulses
10 will be the calibration factor to enter in the system.
Select Hose
Pulse count
System Menu
Change I/O ID
By default all the I/O units have the same address (ID)
Number 0 corresponding to solenoid drivers (hose reels) 1
to 8. For the installation with multi I/O units (more than 8
hosereels), each I/O must have its own address to be
identified by the network.
Power up each I/O successively and change their address.
For example ID Number 1 for solenoid drivers (hose reels)
9 to 16.
Changer ID I/O
From 0 to 1
The network communicates now with this I/O unit 1 for
hoses 9 to 16.
System Menu
Return to Customer Configure Menu at the exit prompt. To
return to the User screen, press twice ENTER.
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LFC 3000 User’s Manual
Series “A”
9999 Enter
Customer Menu
_ _ _ _
Enter PIN Number
_ _ _ _
System Menu
_ _ _ _
1111 - Enter
Good Morning
2222 - Enter
PIN user - Enter
Customer Menu
System Menu
Test Mode
Good Morning
User’s Name
Supervisor Menu
Customer Menu
System Menu
Display Alloc.
Enter Job Number
_ _ _ _
Supervisor Menu
Transact. Rep.
Customer Menu
Warn. Level
System Menu
Set Encoder Type
(Enter Reg Number)
_ _ _ _
Supervisor Menu
Delivery Rep.
Customer Menu
Stop Level
System Menu
System Type
(Enter Od Number)
_ _ _ _
Supervisor Menu
Stock Lev. Rep.
Customer Menu
Stock Mode
System Menu
Set Rep. Addr.
Enter Hose
_ _ _ 0
Cust. Menu
Dispense Mode
System Menu
Set Ticket A. Address
Supervisor Menu
Prod. Delivery
Product’s Name
System Menu
Set Ticket B Address
Customer Menu
Odom. & Reg.
Supervisor Menu
New Stock Level
(Enter Qty)
System Menu
Set Syst. PIN
Supervisor Menu
Set date/time
Customer Menu
Init. Timeout
Syststem Menu
Set Simul. Mode
Dispense Oil
Supervisor Menu
Set Super PIN
Customer Menu
Inact. Timeout
System Menu
Pulses Per Quart
Supervisor Menu
Clear Transacts.
Customer Menu
Set Language
System Menu
Max Dispense
Supervisor Menu
Add new user
Customer Menu
Set Cust. PIN
System Menu
Decimal Place
Customer Menu
Supervisor Menu
Remove user
System Menu
Hose Calibration
Customer Menu
Config. Syst.
Supervisor Menu
Cust. Config.
System Menu
Change I/O ID
Customer Menu
Supervisor Menu
System Menu
© Copyright 2002
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Form 403082
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